Monday, August 25, 2008

World Religions Study: Confucianism

Weeks 2-6, Hinduism

Weeks 7-11, Buddhism

Weeks 12-16, Confucianism:

Smith, pages 160-196, 8 pages per week.

Novak, pages 111-144, 7 pages per week.

Eliade, chapter 2, 10 pages per week.

Read as desired from resources on Confucianism.

Read as desired from general resources.

Continue response journal, making note of your reading.


Analects of Confucious
Confucian Documents
Confucian Tradition Web Sites
Confucianism at
Confucianism at
Confucius, K'ung-fu-tzu
The Spiritual Sanctuary on Confucianism
The Texts of Confucianism

At the end of the 5-week Confucianism study either

1. turn in a project that demonstrates your understanding of Confucianism;


2. answer the following questions:

The following questions are primarily from here:

Why is Confucianism not always considered a religious tradition?

What did Confucius say about human nature and ethics?

What were his views on knowledge and value?

How would you describe the world in which Confucius lives? In what ways is his world relevant to yours? distant from yours? Does his way of viewing the world affect your outlook on the world? If so, how?

What is Confucius' attitude toward Heaven?

How does one's view of the cosmos affect one's view of ethical behavior?

Which passages were most helpful in understanding the concept of benevolence? of the rites? Is Confucius advocating a morality of mere rule following? If not, how does he avoid it? How does one best balance the demands of social rules with the demands of inner sense of benevolence? Is there a common ground of "Legalism" and "Confucianism"?

What strikes you as unique about the Confucian view of the self? How is the self cultivated? What defines the self, according to Confucius?

What is the Confucian conception of government?

Is Confucian philosophy a philosophy of conformity or creativity? How do the writings of his successors support your view?

Which Confucian virtues strike you as most relevant to contemporary culture?

Weeks 17-21, Taoism

Weeks 22-26, Islam

Weeks 27-32, Judaism

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