Thursday, September 27, 2012

Neighborhood Character

I see this man sitting in a chair up on his roof almost every day. It makes me smile. It looks like a fine place to catch the late afternoon breeze and take in a changing street view. I wish I could've gotten a clearer photo, and maybe I will sometime, but I didn't want to intrude on his peace.


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    He both IS a character and GIVES the neighborhood character. Good photo.
    -- A Pal

    1. thx ;) but it's a horrid photo. i just didn't want to get closer.

  2. There used to be a guy in the Berea, Ohio area who was constantly walking everyone called him Walking Willie. For more than twenty years he could be seen walking everyday and at all hours of the day. He almost looked like he was homeless, all ragged and layered but locals said he lived with his daughter. He passed away a few years ago Willie is missed.

    1. i love stories like that. there's a woman in the same neighborhood as the man pictured here who wanders for miles on foot. she carries a plastic grocery bag and picks up trash. we have met, and i know her name; but the last time i spoke to her she looked very startled and not happy with the contact. she's providing 2 services: being a neighborhood character and beautifying our streets :)
