Thursday, March 28, 2013


Inversions is one of the Culture novels by Iain M. Banks. It's atypical of the other books in this science fiction series in that there is no overt reference to The Culture. It reads more like a novel of intrigue set in the Medieval Period. I've read Consider Phlebas, The Player of Games, Use of Weapons, Excession and Look to Windward. This is a fine addition to the series, but I prefer the ones with space ships. It's enjoyable as a stand-alone novel, but more so as a Culture novel if you are familiar with that series.

I'm a bit peeved that my book is defective. A page is in backwards:

It can take you right out of the world the book creates to get to the end of the page and find the next page isn't where the next page should be. Whatever happened to quality control?

The back of the book has quotes praising Banks instead of the usual synopsis.

io9 describes the plot:
... it's not set in outer space. In fact, it's set entirely on a semi-Medieval planet where a Culture agent has been sent to study the natives — and has gone native herself. She's become a doctor to the king (whom she secretly loves), and must cope with backwards science as well as old-fashioned social roles to complete her mission. Though we're never quite sure what that mission is, and that's the beauty of this novel. It's not about space fights and war; it's about the murkiness of human relationships.
Stephen Wu, who concludes it's "bland", begins his review: "What to do with backward worlds? In Iain M Banks's Inversions, two parallel plot threads (which never intersect) represent two answers: actively intervene to shape events, or passively allow history to run its due course." The Kirkus Review doesn't say much but offers a plot description.


  1. I'm reading The Robe right now and the copy I have has about twenty pages bound upside down.

  2. annoying, isn't it!

    i remember enjoying the robe. have you seen the movie? i liked it, too.

  3. It's been years since I've seen the movie and I don't think I saw the whole thing.
